Saturday, July 2, 2011

Baby Strollers and Cots

We finally started to look into getting the nursery furnished and setup. After an entire weekend of looking around and seeing how expensive baby gear is we made our first baby purchase.  Almost $1200 later we have a baby cot, change table and chest of drawers. Although $1200 might appear a bit on the sharp end its actually about mid range with a lot of these baby suites being sold for $1400-$2000.
shuttleJust when I thought we had got the big items finalised we started looking  into a baby pram and car capsule. These items combined are collectively known as travel systems as the capsule clips into both the pram and the car. These systems start at around $550 and go right thru to $1600 and remember we are talking about just a pram and a car capsule. Of which the baby will grow out of the capsule really quickly. So quick you can actually hire car capsules rather than buy them.
So once again after spending a lot of time going through baby shops as well as the Big W and Target I think I have narrowed it down to a couple of models. Mum and Dad have offered to put some money in towards these items which is great, but it also means we need to consider even more carefully how we spend the money.
BigW sell a Steelcraft Orion stoller which in my opinion isnt as good but it does have a bigger shopping basket underneath and is around $100-$150 cheaper than the Safety 1st Shuttle system even when you include the Infant Carrier.
OrionStroller InfantCarrier

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